George Orwell said in his famous book 1984
that “first they steal the words, then they steal the meaning”,
accurately foreseeing the political actions of world leaders and their
manipulation of public opinion. His words are ever so precise once one examines
the vocabulary applied by a number of world leaders when describing the policies
and regimes of troubling countries: axis of evil, war on terror, terrorist
killers, harbourers of fundamentalism etc. Ironic it is to see how those who
were once described to have been allies with Satan himself seem to show good
will in a matter of very few years. Iran is one very good example of this. The
Persian nation has come out as a winner in the Geneva talks that were held in
October, where not only did it get applauded for the concessions it offered,
but it also ensured the west’s acceptance of its regional weight. Everyone
seems to be more relaxed after the negotiations and a new round of talks has
been set for November.
Iran’s proposed plan offered to
the P5+1 included two phases, both of which did not touch on its right to
enrich uranium, but where open to concessions regarding quantity and levels of
enrichment. Moreover, Iran also accepted to have its nuclear sites and
facilities inspected by IAEA inspectors in any sudden visit, confirming with
that that its nuclear goals are but peaceful. Its offer is being studied but
has so far drawn applause and acceptance, at least from the media. Catherine Ashton for her part described the
diplomatic approach that Iran is treading as useful, Britain and France seem to
be warming up to their Persian not-quite-the- adversary, and the Obama
administration ignored both Israeli and gulf worries about Iran’s nuclear ambitions
and political influence in the region and seems keen on going forward in talks
with Iran and its new leader. The nuclear concessions offered by Iran will – if
not already have – be met with political concessions from the US which are basically
a given recognition of the role of Iran in all of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain
and Palestine and the possibility of including Iran - rather than gulf countries
- in the negotiating table with Syria. Whilst the western world refused at the beginning
to include political issues in nuclear negotiations with Iran, they are now
more inclined to embrace that only available option. The loyal and victimized
allies in the Arab gulf now seem to be left out, and accommodating the villain
of all villains seems to be the salvation.
Political alliances and geopolitical
considerations are meant to change over time according to countries’ interests
and conditions. Should US interests and those of the EU lie in building bridges
with Iran at the expense of Arab interests and Israeli fears, then this change
of policy and approach would be perfectly fine. Nothing is engraved in stone. What
is not fine however is the manipulation of public opinion with strong and blind
convictions that give people every reason to fear an imaginary bogeyman. Depicting
Iran as an evil nation with plans to annihilate Israel, destroy Arab states,
enforce fundamental shiism, launch wars of terror on western nations and
succumb the world to tyranny -quoting Bush Jr. – and then suddenly considering
it as an option for a regional partner to restore peace in the Middle East (just
like what happened in Iraq) and pacifying its nuclear ambitions, is not OK.
Satan cannot repent and change course in a matter of 5 years’ time…unless of
course he was not Satan from the very beginning…just a word stolen and altered
to suit US interests at the time, just as Orwell said.
Beautiful and informative. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr Michael for your kind words.