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Ich bin nicht aus Zucker

An article published in the Economist on 30 June had this opening line “Ask some Germans how people should react to terrorism and most would probably agree with the historian Herfried Münkler that the best attitude is heroische Gelassenheit: heroic calmness. Let other countries declare wars on terrorism and near-permanent states of emergency, they say; Germany’s dark history has taught it not to over-react”.
Yes, Germany had a dark history, and a share of misery, poverty, and war, coupled with an arduous and constant effort to redeem itself for mistakes created by long gone political brutes, cladded in ideological uniforms of scientific rationalism. Nonetheless, Germans realised that history must serve a purpose, and that purpose is to learn how to shape, control, and direct actions in an effective, efficient, and intelligent manner in order to achieve the desired objectives.
When the entire world expected a fuming Angela Merkel to step up on a pedestal and read, in passionate and heated German, that the nation will not succumb to terrorists who will be easily crushed under German boots, the silence of the German leader stunned the zealous audience. No, we will not crush anyone under our boots, nor impose collective punishment. We will not condole those who we love and owed to protect and who lost those they loved and vowed to protect with a promise to hunt the perpetrators and their accomplices like dogs.
Meanwhile, speeches made by Middle Easter leaders failed to resemble in any shape or form the level-mindedness of their German counterpart. Promises by Turkish leaders to impose “the strictest procedures ever established to counter terrorists”, the Afghani promise to “bury the terrorists with our vengeance”, the Chechen leader’s wishful plan of “selecting the best 2000 Chechen fighters to abolish and diminish all ISIS affiliates in street fight”, and the Iraqi calls for “galvanizing the powers of the fighters and heroic mujahideen” all sound similar to the much familiar promises of medieval rhetoric to stir passions. Many are the times that we read articles in Arabic newspapers which start off with calls to crush the enemy, smother them in their sleep, turn their weapons against them, wipe them off the face of the earth, mobilise the thirsty-for-justice young freedom fighters…the list of ardent cliché phrases goes on.
It is true that the Middle East’s share of terrorism is much higher than that of Europe, and that desperate measures are necessary in certain conditions. However, for a nation that has been mired with war and unrest since the early 1920s, would it be the wisest decision to foment feelings and desires of vengeance through rhetorical and inflamed speeches? Is a hubristic assumption that eradicating wrong-doing can and must come at the expense of humanity and reason? Is the Arab/Muslim nation so fragile that it cannot deal with misery other than a through a mindless urge and call for vengeance? Do leaders assume that by inflaming the passionate streets, the problems of radicalism, terrorism and fanaticism are solved? Are we that fragile to the attractive and luring choice of blind outrageous vendetta?
The German saying of ‘We are not made out of sugar’ must resonate better with us. Perhaps for a religious community, we can change the proverb into salt to assimilate Lot’s story and his turned-into-a pillar-of -salt wife, who probably dissolved when it was pouring acid rain. No, we will not dissolve into a container of hatred and vengeance because of drop of rain or a hurricane. We are neither made out of sugar nor salt.


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