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Showing posts from April, 2015

Certainly Certain

An interesting read was a book [1] analysing modern tyrants and comparing them with tyrants from the past. It turns out, according to the authors, that tyrants used brutal power throughout history for different reasons. Tyrants in the pre-middle ages period used excessive power against their opponents because they simply knew no other way to maintain order. Their only known mechanism to settle disputes and rivalries that may form any threat to their rein was to wipe masses off the face of the earth in the name of preserving peace. Now middle age tyrants used excessive brutality to keep opponents in check, knowing that despite the barbarity of the act, those closest to the ruling sphere are in fact constantly and maliciously planning to over throw the rule of whoever is in power or create disturbances (economic and social) between the ruling elite and the peasants. Their act represented “preventative measures”, void of any compassion or humanity, but was necessary in their set