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Showing posts from October, 2018

Blondel's Prophecy and Iraq

Jean Blondel went into details in Political Parties – The Decline of Parties in Europe – about the perils of patronage in particracies . The exchange of favours and appointments in governmental bodies owing to party calculations and favour exchanges has proven ineffective and non-transparent, whether in majoritarian systems or those of a consensual nature. The mistakes committed by parties in continental Europe throughout the past century have been taken account of, with the hope that as party life develops and new organisational structures emerge, citizens can be spared the inefficiency of their elected governments. What is being exported into the new member countries of the democratic club seems to miss out on these lessons. Theory trumps practicality and experience in the process of introducing democratic systems of governance in these countries. Iraq stands testimony to this very observation. Iraq was ruled for very long years by an Arab-nationalist party that employed